In-depth cost engineering training
Trainings in
Cost Engineering
Cost engineers make informed decisions about the budget and schedule of your projects. For example, they identify high purchase prices and avoid poorly developed products in terms of cost. Due to the high efficiency of cost engineering, companies in almost all industries are desperately looking for cost engineers - but competent personnel is scarce.

Optimize your business with targeted training
360° Cost Engineer
In cooperation with the renowned Institute of Cost Engineering, costdata® presents a unique global training program for cost engineers. In four practical modules, Frank Weinert and Tobias Uding teach you how to use data, facts and innovative systems to stay one step ahead in the analysis and implementation of existing optimization potential.
Module 1: Cost Engineering Professional
In this entry-level module, you lay the foundation for a uniform and company-wide understanding of cost engineering. It forms the foundation and is ideal for use in development, purchasing, project management, controlling and sales.
Module 2: Cost Engineering Professional
The advanced cost engineer plans and carries out cost engineering projects independently. In projects, he sets target costs and achieves them using methods such as design-to-cost.
In cost workshops with customers, suppliers and his own organization, he develops optimization potentials. He is able to negotiate potentials independently and to support the responsible departments in negotiations.
In cost workshops with customers, suppliers and his own organization, he develops optimization potentials. He is able to negotiate potentials independently and to support the responsible departments in negotiations.
Module 3: Cost Engineering Professional
The cost engineering expert is qualified to successfully implement cost engineering in his own company as well as to build, lead and train cost engineering teams.
With the help of key figures and innovation management, cost savings can be strategically planned and implemented. In cooperation with the development department and purchasing, he sets decisive impulses for future cost-optimized products.
With the help of key figures and innovation management, cost savings can be strategically planned and implemented. In cooperation with the development department and purchasing, he sets decisive impulses for future cost-optimized products.
Module 4: Production engineering
This module teaches you the basics of calculating relevant manufacturing processes for your work. This will enable you to determine the machining time of the process and the appropriate machining machine, among other things.
Quality and reliability for top companies
Trainings as needed
Extensive range of training courses
The seminar participant learns systematic steps for cost control during the development phase in order to achieve defined target costs.
Cost and performance accounting
The seminar participant acquires basic knowledge of cost and activity accounting for product cost calculations.
Supplier workshops
The seminar participant learns to identify and implement cost transparency and cost potentials through interdisciplinary supplier workshops.
Target Costing
In this seminar, participants will learn to derive allowable product costs from market prices, including how to develop and achieve target costs.
VA/VE - Value Analysis/Value Engineering
The seminar participant will gain insight into the value analysis according to DIN EN 12973:2002-02.
Calculation & Negotiation
The seminar participant learns to derive negotiation potentials from product cost calculations and to apply suitable negotiation strategies in role plays.
Master cost efficiency
Four pillars of successful training
Our recipe for success combines scientific approaches with tried-and-tested methods. Over 25 years of consulting experience in diverse industries enable us to convey the most innovative methods for identifying savings potential.
International cost engineering strategy
Our unique training program guides you quickly and confidently to increased cost transparency. Reduce purchase prices, achieve target prices and maximize customer value.
Knowhow and best practice approaches
We share our 20 years of cost engineering knowledge to help you realize potential through proven approaches. The greatest competitive advantage lies in successful implementation.
Effective tools for optimal results
The combination of strategy, know-how and the right tools enables better results in less time. Start directly with your first cost engineering project in the course.
Relevant data for accurate results
Learn what data is important, where to find it, and how to make the most of it. Achieve precise results through strategy, know-how, effective tools and up-to-date, accurate data.